There’s A Healer In All of Us

Hello Again!

As I was journaling I came up with a poem while free association writing, you know, writing without thinking just writing whatever comes through. I was contemplating on the idea of the ego and the spirit and how I go back and forth between the feelings of both, so here is the poem that came to me:

All I see is beauty, All I know is greed. But that doesn't have to be, Let it go and join the show, You don't have to know what is going to go! You just have to be and listen to me. Take time throughout your day to listen and breathe. And that is how you will get to me.

So you see that I started out writing what exactly was in my head and then it took off with a different voice. I did not mean to even rhyme. I read it after I wrote it about a week later and realized, “Hey that rhymes!” And while it rhymes it is also a good message for me. To realize that spirit is in our breathing and our letting go is so uplifting yet so hard because our world doesn’t accept stopping to breathe. So being more conscious of it is important. Trying to take some time upon awakening is important because for some of us that may be the only quiet time that we have. Those that have small children may not get that time in the morning, they are usually waking you up but then pause before you go to sleep at night.

There is a healer in all of us and once we get in touch with it we can heal all things in our lives. We can be provided with the answers we need. We just have to realize how important it is to take time to breathe and just be so that we can allow that voice to come through us and tell us what we need at that moment.

I invite you to take some time to reflect on this and start working toward building that time out of your day even if it is just a moment or a minute or two. Anything is better than nothing. If you can’t seem to find the time just start awakening to the idea, pay attention to your day. Maybe while brushing your teeth you realize that you forgot to reflect before waking up. That’s ok. Try again the next day, eventually, as you keep reminding yourself you could have done it, there will come a day where you will remember and take a moment. Or you could just say, I forgot so the time is now. Start small and eventually through practice you will make more time for it.

Think of it this way, by taking a moment to pause, even just for 5 seconds you are creating a hairline crack for spirit to come through. Now typically with cracks as time goes on what happens? Well, if something underneath is causing the crack to appear, like in a sidewalk for example, the crack gets deeper and more defined. Then eventually it can get so wide that it can cause a deep hole in the dirt or cause the cement to fold. The reason that happens is because there is something deep underneath shifting causing this to happen. That is how you have to look at spirit. As you take time to let it in, even just a crack of a moment in your day, eventually though that daily reminder and practice, it will get wider and wider until it breaks through and helps transform your life.

Now that is one way to look at it. The other is you can read this and do the practice for a while then let it disappear from your memory. Be left with that hairline crack that never changes shape or size because the thing that caused it is no longer there agitating it to become bigger. You can go through your days wondering why no one can help you and why haven’t you leaped into your greatness?

All it takes is getting to know that healer inside you. All it takes is a moment to start!

Blissings to you!


If You Don’t Teach Discernment, you be teaching Resentment


To the Simple Things in Life